Why Choose Visx Star for Lasik ?
Today’s laser vision correction treatments seem to nearly effortlessly free people from their dependence on glasses and contact lenses. The excimer lasers used to create this modern day miracle are some of the most sophisticated medical devices ever invented.
With over 10 million laser vision correction procedures having been performed worldwide, there is a strong competition amongst Excimer laser manufacturers to establish market position for their devices. Such competition has created unprecedented advancement in Excimer laser technology and numerous device enhancements that have served to improve procedure outcomes. The safety of the laser technology and the clinical outcomes do not depend on the Hz (e.g. 200 Hz, 400 Hz, 500 Hz) that the machine works on, but rather the laser delivery and clinical expertise.
The Visx Star is the first choice for refractive surgeons
There are more VISX systems used in the United States than all other competing laser platforms combined. That market dominance continues to increase as AMO-VISX continues to introduce additional advancements and technical innovations.
Visx Star at Rushabh
Why Visx is best Laser Technology for years ?
The widest FDA approval of any laser system worldwide providing superior surgical option for more patients than any other laser platform. The highest level of resolution of wavefront refractive error due to the use of Fourier algorithms. Active 3-D eye tracking compensates for intraoperative eye movement in all dimensions. No other platform has 3-D eye tracking capabilities.
Iris Registration (IR) – the only laser platform that centers and aligns the treatment while compensating for eye cyclorotation and physiologic pupil migration. VISX has the first and only fully FDA-approved, fully automated, non- contact method of alignment of the correct customized treatment to the corneal site.
The only system that compensates for pupil migration during physiologic pupil dilation resulting in more accurate laser pulse placement.
Variable Spot Scanning (VSS): The only platform that delivers variable beam sizes from as small as 0.65 mm up to 6.5 mm scanned over the treatment area thereby conserving tissue, optimizing treatment times, reducing corneal drying intra-operatively and reducing adverse thermal load to the delicate corneal tissue.
Variable Repetition Rate (VRR): VRR delivers treatment at varying repetition rates, optimizing treatment time and reducing the adverse effects of thermal loading of the delicate corneal tissue.
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